Review: The Brothers Grimm: Illuminated Fairy Tales, Vol. 1 [Kindle in Motion]

The Brother’s Grimm Fairytales are some of the Western World’s most renowned stories. These include stories like Hansel and Gretal, The Juniper Tree, and Cinderella. This edition, however, takes the stories to the next level by providing beautiful illustrations and some animations on the pages.

Amazon has done a magnificent job getting artists to design this edition of the Brothers Grimm Fairytales. The illustrations and animations are stunning.

The only problem I had with it was that I was reading it on a Kindle Paperwhite, so there were no animations, to begin with. I only came across the illustrations and animations when I started reading it on my iPhone. I really wish that some of the illustrations would have made it onto my Kindle, so that I would have been able to enjoy them. Otherwise, I thought it was great!

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