Review: Battlestar Suburbia

Battlestar Suburbia by [McCrudden, Chris]

Battlestar Suburbia is a fictional book about when machines have taken over the universe and are in charge and humans are second class. And it’s not just artificial intelligence that has lead to the rebellion, it’s everyday electronics like toaster ovens, curling irons, ovens, vehicles, anything that had some semblance of a computer in it was now “alive” and humans were at the bottom of the totem pole.

I really wanted to enjoy this title. I was into it until about 3/4 of the way through and things continued to get more and more weird on top of the already weird book. I’m not going to ruin the book by saying what happens, but it was just too over the top for my taste. It seemed like the author got to a point where he didn’t know what to do next and was grasping to make things work.

I’m giving the book three stars because I did enjoy most of the book. I just didn’t like the way the book came together in the end.

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